First WIAW!!!

Today is my first official What I Ate Wednesday (WIAW)!

Peas and Crayons

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For breakfast I had a bowl of yogurt with lots of fruit on top and an omelet containing mushrooms, green pepper, tomatoes, and ham. I usually ask for egg whites, it cuts out half the calories, but they were out of egg whites today, so I went with regular eggs.


I met a friend and got this kind of Snapple to drink while we talked. I’m not sure how healthy it is for you, but it can’t be worse than soda.

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I took a banana nut muffin to go from breakfast which became my afternoon lunch/snack.


Dinner consisted of a half of a sweet potato, a chicken breast, and a small salad with honey mustard dressing. Neither of those pictures above are actually from dinner, but the salad gives you a sense of what my salad looked like, just a much smaller size and well, a baked sweet potato is a baked sweet potato, but that isn’t my picture.

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And of course, my one sweet allowed per day, a piece of dark chocolate.

This afternoon I went for a run as the sun was going down. I probably shouldn’t have gone out in shorts and a T-shirt because it got cold quickly. This was only my second time this semester running outside, so I was pretty happy with being able to do 2 miles in under 20 minutes (you can see a screenshot of my run tracking below). I have to admit that I have been slacking lately on exercising and I am eager to get back into more vigorous workouts.



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